This code provides the framework for a vibrant and safe culture within the Church. It outlines a set of attitudes and behaviours that individuals agree to pursue as part of being a leader, volunteer, or member of the Church. As the code is quite open, those under the code will be expected to comply with it in a way that is proportional to the level of responsibility that they hold, i.e. leaders will be held to a higher standard than volunteers.
2. Definitions
Care – A duty of care that you hold towards others by virtue of your position in the Church.
The Church – Dianella Church of Christ Inc.
The Vulnerable – Vulnerable and marginalised people, especially children, the elderly, and those experiencing disability.
This code applies to leaders, volunteers, and members of the Church.
I will be committed to growing in my relationship with God.
- Seeking God regularly through prayer, scripture, and Christian community.
- Serving God diligently: loving my ‘neighbour’, ‘one another’, and even my enemies.
I will be accountable to and supported by people within the Church.
- Honouring commitments to internal reporting and supervision.
- Actively seeking accountability and support from those who I am responsible to (e.g., Ministry Leader, Senior Minister, Church Board).
I will be accountable to and supported by people outside the Church.
- Actively seeking accountability and support from people outside of the Church community (e.g., Family, Friends, Community of Practice, Professional Supervisor, COCWA).
- Exercising appropriate vulnerability and transparency in confidentiality with Appropriate and Trusted Figures.
I will be mindful of how my actions and attitudes shape the culture of the Church and attitudes towards the Church.
- Considering how my actions might appear to or impact those inside and outside the Church.
- Endeavouring to serve and lead impartially, without favouring or marginalising others.
- Fostering a culture of appropriate transparency, rather than secrecy or blame-shifting.
(e.g. declaring conflicts of interest, owning up to mistakes or poor decisions.)
I will be a team player.
- Offering help to others, especially when I have spare capacity.
- Seeking help when I am finding things hard or struggling to make a deadline.
- Earnestly following through with commitments in a timely fashion, and giving notice if I am unable to do so.
I will empower the Vulnerable by connecting them with people and resources.
- Helping the Vulnerable to make and maintain healthy connections with those inside and outside of the Church.
- Connecting the Vulnerable to resources, including knowledge of their rights and responsibilities, and how to report concerns.
I will be careful not to exploit or abuse those in my Care.
- Being mindful of the way that positional power impacts how people in my Care relate to me.
- Ensuring that my interactions with them take place in a context that allows for transparency and accountability (e.g., in a public or group setting).
- Ensuring that any physical contact with them is of a non-intimate nature and appropriate to the particular relationship (e.g., handshake, high five, pat on the shoulder, open hug).
- Being aware of my responsibilities regarding privacy, confidentiality, and the reporting of disclosures and other concerns.
I won’t avoid healthy conflict.
- Standing up for the Vulnerable and marginalised.
- Calling out breaches of church policies, procedures, and codes.
- Seeking to be fair and kind, and growing in my capacity for healthy conflict.