I’m married to Mike (who works part-time for the community centre here), and have two children, two step-children and one delightful granddaughter, Jasmine. Recently qualified as a chaplain, I hope to volunteer in various contexts before applying for jobs in chaplaincy. I retired from a 15 year position in the Department of Education at Christmas.
I’ve loved Jesus all my life, committing my life to Him at the age of nine. I’ve been worshipping at LGD since 2004, and on and off the board since around 2009.
What I bring to the Board
I bring my eye for detail and skills as a proof reader, plus a strong commitment to doing the task in hand.
What I love about Living Grace Dianella
I love the teaching and worship at LGD. The teaching on grace, and focus on LIVING the gospel rather than learning about it - head knowledge only - has revolutionised me personally, and my relationships. I wish I’d learned earlier to navigate life as a Christian with the gospel of grace as the background music.